NOTICE MAY 15. 2021
The board for Audubon Hills CSD has signed a contract with Wilsons Asphalt Inc. to Seal Coat three of the Lanes in Audubon Hills. The three are, Kittywake, Kingbird, and Warbler. The seal coat crew will be in the area on Thursday, June 03, 2021. As they are cleaning, sealing and giving time for the Seal Coat to dry and cure, they will be closing some areas of the three Lanes for an extended period of time. They will be in the area from approx.. 8:00am. And the Lanes may be closed until the next morning.
We know that this may be an inconvenience for some but your help and planning will make this project go smooth . there may be some of our neighbor’s contact information that we do not have, so if you can help by talking to your neighbors that will help, so there are no surprises.
If you have any asphalt paving you would like to have seal coated you can contact Wilsons Asphalt Inc. foreman , Scott Miller Cell phone: 916-295-9591
You can call him and get an estimate for your project.
You can contact the Board at; AUDUBONHILLSCSD.ORG