
Bylaws – Audubon Hills Community Services District

Road Dashboard – PDF that lists all roads maintained by Audubon Hills CSD, along with current condition and service status.

Road Repair Request Form. You can fill it out and email it to Repair at
IMPORTANT: Save the file to your computer FIRST then fill out and SAVE. Then email it. Do not fill it out online.

or mail it to:
P.O. Box 745
Camino, CA  95709

Easement Rights – Where the roads can be built and rights to the road easements on your property.

Specs for road sizes and paving details.

Road paving order.  Audubon Dr. takes priority over side roads.

Scheduled Road Maintenance Policy

Snow Removal and Sanding Policy

Parking Ordinance Adopted April 12, 2011

To view these files, you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.